Tuesday, October 21, 2008


As I fly home from Kenya, passing over Paris and watching “Almost Famous” on my little 4 x 5 in-flight movie screen, an incredible wave of emotion floods through me…a wave that leaves me knowing the last 8 days has changed my life forever.

Poverty is no longer a set of statistics, no longer a face without a name, no longer something I have seen but not really understood. The last days have changed my understanding of Poverty.

Poverty now has a home. Poverty now has a family. This week, I met Poverty in person.

Poverty is the first wife of three and the co-wife of 21 co-children. Poverty has a broad smile and hardened hands…and her name is Karin.

Poverty is his fields by daybreak. Poverty works all day. Poverty is not lazy. Poverty does not get to rest…and his name is John.

Poverty leads worship at her church. Poverty has a beautiful African voice and her tongue praises the same God as mine...and her name is Eunice.

Poverty pastors a church. Poverty knows the love of Jesus, but Poverty needs to see the love of Jesus demonstrated by His people. …and his name is Peter.

Poverty carries water 4 kilometers and grows pineapple in fields of rock. Poverty helps others in her community…and her name is Helen.

Kager did not choose Poverty…Poverty chose Kager.

I have met Poverty. I have worshiped with Poverty. I have prayed for Poverty. I have hugged Poverty. Poverty has looked across the dirt floor of her house, looked deep into my eyes, and asked “How can you help me?”

As our wheels touch down at Heathrow, I know something profound has occurred in my life. While this leg of my journey is over, I know another journey is just beginning.

A journey that will take me many times to Kager. A journey that will take a lifetime. A journey that will require greater sacrifice.

My life has been changed forever.

Poverty now has a name…and her name is Kager.


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